Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Little Bothers and Big Sitters

Others find it unbelievable,
The things I put up with,
And so many "only" children,
Do not know the half of it.

They think that sibling relationships,
Are easier than a cakewalk,
They do not know what it is like,
To get a bruises from a misplaced LEGO block.

They think that sibling relationships,
Are as sweet and simple as pie.
They have never had to deal,
With a toddler on a sugar-high

They think that sibling relationships,
Are nothing but fun and games.
They have probably never taken,
A spitball to the face.

They think that sibling relationships,
Are the stuff of dreams,
They have never been woken at midnight,
By nightmarish screams.

They think that sibling relationships,
Are a source of constant money,
But the truth of the matter is,
Parents expect you to babysit for free,
(And at all the oddest hours,
The reason being "You are family")

They think that sibling relationships,
Are easier than they seem,
They have never dealt with,
A straight hour of whining, or crying.

They think sibling relationships,
Are nothing too grand,
They will never, ever have,
Someone who will always forgive,
Time and time again,

And who really loves you
In more than riches and less than rags.
(that is, besides some parents
but I, for now, will not go there....)

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