Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Neurotic Nostalgia

Simple dreams
Sometimes lead you far away
Simple wishes
Sometimes lead you so astray

its the things we want,
that blind us to
what we have got.

Its so clear,
what was once mine,
when it disappears,
from in front of my eyes

Never knew
how much it meant,
till it left,
gone with the wind.

Never knew
that it was always there,
waiting for me,
though I never cared.

And as the time went by,
I began to realize
that I had never lived life,
Till I had to face actual strife

All those things,
 that I left behind,
Thought they did not matter,
at the time

Now I feel
that the days gone by,
Could have held so much more
if I had tried

Threw it all away,
without a backward glance
watched it fade away
Never have another chance

But life goes on,
in an endless cycle of days,
and every future,
is one learned from mistakes

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