Wednesday, March 4, 2015


No one reads the signs,
On the roads or the faces.
The incessant media barrage,
Has inured us to things of importance.

Eyes can flash stop signs,
Yet in the rush of life,
No one even sees them,
In the throes of their own strife.

Eyes can flash hazard signs,
Yet they are always ignored,
And rather perceived as amusement,
By the busy and bored.

Eyes can flash stop signs,
Yet in the daily commotion,
People choose to ignore them,
Instead speeding to their destination.

Eyes can flash caution signs,
Yet people do not seem to worry.
They think it is just an overreaction,
For a problem that is temporary.

Eyes can flash crossing signs,
Yet some prefer not to acknowledge,
When others need their patience,
because they are fast losing it.

Eyes carry many signs,
That express not only actions,
But go farther than the ones on the road.

By blatantly showcasing emotions.

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