Friday, September 12, 2014

the omniscience of Words

Words are born from the feelings,
in every human's heart.
They are the only things,
that tear this world apart.

Words are born from anger,
at the injustice in life.
They are used by some,
to vent their strife.

Words are born from sorrow,
at what could have been.
They are used by some,
to destroy others' dreams.

Words are born from envy,
at other's abilities.
They are used by some,
to create insecurities.

Words are born from rage,
at one's inabilities.
They are used by some,
To make others doubt their worth.

Words are born from hate,
at the wrongs long-suffered.
They are used by some,
to force that pain on others.

Words are made from fear,
at losing what one loves.
They are used by some,
to hold others down.

Words are made from the darkness,
that dwells in most beings.
They are twisted by some,
to mean terrible things.

But words can be made from hope,
for the future that lies ahead.
They can be used by many,
to support and sustain, as well.

Words can be made from a love,
towards the rest of humanity.
They can be used by many,
to foster empathy.

Words can be made from the courage,
of those who never surrender the peaceful fight.
They can be used by many,
to set the world's problems to right.

Words can be used to cause pain and prejudice,
and create grief and rue.
But they can be used to heal and help,
and preserve the memories of the good we do.

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