Tuesday, September 9, 2014

To all wonderful weirdos.....

Apparently, there is a holiday for this!

To all the other odd ones,
The misfits and anyone,
Who is not like everyone.

To all those who prefer dogeared books,
And quiet, sunlit library nooks,
To about the way it looks,
And deeming TV something to forsook.

To all those with a wicked sense of humor,
Whom others cannot comprehend,
But manage to enthuse every room they are in,
With their sharp wit and joking intent.

To all those with a passion for sport,
Who get up every day with no other hope,
Than to become one of the professionals,
Even though others may not offer much support.

To all those who live for music,
Whether digital, electric or acoustic,
Who express themselves with instruments,
And find in song the greatest stimulant.

To all those with a love of logic,
Who enjoy any puzzle worth solving,
And regardless of others constant mocking,
Manage to become class valedictorian.

To those who while their hours,
Locked behind bedroom doors,
Holding gaming consoles,
Playing for all their worth.

To those who watch others,
From the outskirts,
because they are different,
And therefore deemed “weird”

To all the wonderful weirdos,
Who ever read this blog post,
You should probably know,
That September 8th honors all those,

Who have bottle-thick glasses from reading,
Who have ink-stained palms from writing

Who have stiff limbs from all types of dancing,
Who have hoarse throats from a love of singing,

Who have calloused fingers from instrument playing,
Who have numb thumbs from video gaming,

Who have aching bodies from athletics training,
Who have rough hands from long gardening,

Who have sore brains from problem solving,
Who have pained wrists from computer coding,

Who have broken hearts from others teasing,
Who have a world of ideas from dreaming,

To every fanboy and fangirl,
Who ever walked on this world,
Regardless of those who jeered and sneered
Celebrate the very reasons, others call you “weird”.

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