Wednesday, April 15, 2015


A little bit of magic,
as the guiding spark,
for Sacagawea,
who led Lewis and Clark.

A little bit of magic,
inspired them to flight,
crossing the boundaries of doubt,
the biplane was built by the Wrights.

A little bit of magic,
shone in that blue light,
that lit the Curie's laboratory,
on a dark April night.

A little bit of magic,
let the alarm bells ring,
when Rachel Carson,
published "Silent Spring".

A little bit of magic,
gave aid in emancipation,
in his salt marches and satyagrahas,
till Gandhi helped free a nation.

A little bit of magic,
filled the written words,
from the pens of all the writers,
whose writing united the world.

A little bit of magic,
was in those that went before,
the giants of generations past,
whose discoveries are now part of lore.

And a little bit of the magic,
that stuff of childhood fantasy,
lives on in the hearts and minds,
of people like you and me.

This one is for my little brother, who has finally discovered that books (and history) are not boring.

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